This was made clear to me when I received this text from daughter: "LSTC is marching in the parade!"
She was at the Pride parade in Chicago, attending for the first time with friends. She was delighted to see the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago marching in solidarity with our LGBTQ brothers and sisters. My daughter knows of this Lutheran seminary because I am an alumni and because Faith has had exceptional pastoral interns from there. For Katie it was affirmation that her church is a place of grace, welcome and inclusion. She has heard stories from friends that their church experience was much different: marked by judgement and condemnation for those who do not fit cleanly in a particular "box."
I could feel the pride in her church (Faith in Glen Ellyn and the ELCA) shining through her text.
It was in that moment the quote from St. Francis came to me. It reminded me that the church can publish doctrine, social statements and biblical interpretations but sometimes the words that speak most clearly are the ones in our actions of accompaniment and solidarity.
You are right, Katie. We are marching...in so many ways!